Monday, September 16, 2013

Death With Dignity and Hospice

One of the largest freedoms one can enact is their right to die with dignity. It is one of the most important freedoms that humans can display. Many people share their desires and will to die with dignified end of life care. That is where hospice care comes in to action with its purpose being dedicated to establishing a health care plan that will meet the patient's expectations of respect, understanding, and dignity. It is a crucial health care alternative that enables the terminal patient to direct their wishes and remain comfortable under any terms. There are many states that have death with dignity laws that propose that the terminally ill have say in their care and control over every issue that is at stake in their inevitable death.

Since hospice care has been established, it has prospered many lives through the wide-spread objectives to allow person's the premium care that death with dignity relates to. Death with dignity does not discriminate with hospice care patients. However, there is much controversy with states joining in with the death with dignity alliances across the country, which are stimulating health care providers and hospice agencies to update their policies according to the rights and freedoms that are being established from the new laws.

There is controversy swarming the media on the death with dignity laws spreading across the nation. There are 4 main clauses that have caused quite a stir with each state and the hospice care providers that carry their services out to the terminally ill.

1. Hospice patients are able to increase their pain medication, even if it means that they are hasting their own death.

2. Hospice patients are being given the right to request terminal sedation.

3. Hospice patients can request and mandate the removal from life support.

4. Hospice patients can dehydrate themselves to cause death.

Some of the other less controversial death with dignity rights:

? The right to a living will. This is the precise care plan that covers the dying soul's whims in regards to life support, resuscitation, refusal of treatment and much more.

? The freedom to refuse treatment. Any hospice patient can refuse medication or treatment at any time of their hospice care.

? Can seek hospice care and palliative care regardless of race, age, health, sexual origins, or insurance coverage.

? Have the right to be treated with respect, sincerity, integrity, and compassion.

? Have the right to discuss and play a role in their care plan of hospice through physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals.

? Enables the patient to have preference where they die. Most opt to die at home, and when circumstances prevent this, hospice providers should allow the hospice patient to choose where they want to die.

? Patients have the right to die pain free, with the assistance of nurses and physicians giving the doses that are legal.

? Hospice patients have death with dignity rights to obtain resources from hospice care socially, medically, financially, psychologically, and spiritually.

? They have the right to file grievances with hospice directors, medical officials, and any relevant care giver, if they feel that they are not receiving adequate care or if their rights have been disregarded.

Hospice care and palliative care has enabled the death with dignity motto to become more than just a term. It has proven that with the standards in hospice health care that a person can die with dignity, and get the quality care of comfort, respect, and service that is well-deserved. Through the major reforms in health care that are being processed, the practice and development of death with dignity is certain to become a main cause that every state will enact for the greater good of human kind, and for the peace of mind that dying with dignity accomplishes.

Nicholas J Matyas copyright 2010
Need help with Hospice Care or Death with Dignity matters?
Nick Matyas is Hospice Care / Death with Dignity Mediation Expert

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