Friday, September 13, 2013

Creative Childcare Solutions

Whether you work full-time, part time, or from home, arranging for childcare can be a challenge. Even stay at home moms need childcare sometimes, and face the challenge of finding a safe, affordable method of child care. Even if you just need some time away, or a kids-free date night with your spouse, affordable child care is an important issue. Following are some creative childcare solutions, designed to keep your kids safe, and save you money as well.

1. Use a home daycare provider. If you know someone who provides daycare services at home, you may be able to save a bit, and have your child in a more home-like atmosphere while you work. Make sure any home care provider you are considering is licensed.

Benefits to home daycare include the home environment, fewer children per caretaker, and usually lower costs. Drawbacks to home daycare include vacations and sick days-if your provider is ill, there isn't another person to fill in, and you may be stuck finding help at the last minute.

2. Make child care your job. If you are working full time, but barely making enough to cover childcare, consider offering care in your home. You will be with your kids all day, and be able to earn some additional money watching other children as well. Make sure you follow all the laws of your location and that you are fully licensed and insured before caring for other children.

3. Swap babysitting with friends. If you have a friend with kids of a similar age, take turns watching the kids one day or night a week. This gives you time to work or play without added expense. This works best if the kids are of the same age, and get along well.

4. Start a babysitting co-op. Gather a group of like minded parents, and form a co-op. This requires a little more planning, but can pay off well in the long run. Parents earn "credit" by babysitting, and use credits to pay for childcare.

5. Share a nanny. If you work part time, or at home, and need childcare on a regular basis, consider sharing a nanny with another family. Together, you can offer a high quality professional childcare worker full time work and wages, without incurring the full cost. Make sure you work out a schedule in advance, and that all legalities are observed. You may be able to work with a nanny agency to set up a flexible part time arrangement as well.

Denise Sanger is the owner of which features a fantastic selection of? toddler toys and ride on toddler toys.? ?The company is located in sunny Florida and may be reached at 877-950-7665.

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