Home Work Is Not Staying At Home
When all is said and done, working from home means self employment. Many people including financial institutions and government agencies see self employment as unemployment. In their eyes, an unemployed person is unfit, untrustworthy and incapable. Even though many successful businesses started in a garage or from a kitchen table, the view of joblessness reflects a negative perception. Because of this stigma it requires more effort on your part as a budding entrepreneur. An entrepreneur is usually not recognized as such until after the fact. A successful person is an entrepreneur while a struggling person is simply incompetent.
Let's face it, no one what's to see you self employed. Not even your family, they see you the same as they always saw you. Limited, dependent and a wage earner. Many people don't want to see you raise above them. Even the government doesn't want you to work for yourself. Why? Simply because they have more difficulty in tracking and collecting taxes. It's much easer to collect tax for many people from one source. That's why you have to get a license or permit to do any kind of business. It's a form of tax and getting you to establish an identity before them .
Self-employment is like wearing a coat of many colors.
As a self employed person you will have to wear many hats because in the beginning your are all things to all people. You are responsible for planning, laboring, book keeping, sales, marketing, and all the other little things necessary to make a business work.
Are there any viable work and home opportunities? Take note, working from home is not a job, it is a self-employment opportunity. There are more opportunities than jobs. Opportunities are boundless, challenging and very rewarding. They encompass everything from dog walking to manufacturing from masseur to RV washing and waxing.
What To Do?
There are literally thousands of things you can do from your home. There are:
Home workplace. Work from a computer, bookkeeper, billing, telmarketing.educationeasy.net emarketing, assembling, day care, perform a service.
Home base. Work from a vehicle while based at home where the books are kept. This would include carpet cleaning, painting, plumbing, delivery, trash pickup, commercial cleaning and a whole host of other services.
Home manufacturing. Make a product, refinish furniture, make silk flower arrangements, knit bedspreads, as well as many other opportunities.
You don't have to rely on someone to supply you with an opportunity, you can supply yourself. When someone supplies you it is called a franchise, licensing or turn-key opportunity and all to often, a scam. This is where someone grants you rights to their product or service for a monthly fee. The best scenario is to devise a project that you feel comfortable in.
Before attempting your new venture, make sure there is a need for it. Don't settle on being a carpet cleaner or doing trash removal if there are fifteen dozen other people doing the same thing in your area. You won't make enough of a splash to keep from drowning. Your spouse and kids might think you're great but John or Jane Doe down the street doesn't know you from Adam. He/she won't place their trust in you just because you walked through their door. You must break the confidence barrier before coming in for a landing.
What kind of vocation is right for you?
For low cost, with good return involving physical labor would be to offer a service to customers. Carpet care can be started with minimum outlay. Using the rotary method, or dry type cleaning, a person can be in business for under five thousand dollars. If you don't have the money, rent a machine for fifty or so dollars per day.
Like in any business, finding customers is the most difficult part. You must let people know you are in business before they will consider you to fill their need. Let's face it, you are filling a need not selling a product or service but it doesn't make any difference how good your service or product is if you don't know how to find customers. The only difference between your business and the guy down the street is you. People choose who to do business with based on their perceptions. You must become a master prospector by defining yourself, first and foremost.
Your service or product is secondary to your success. Your primary goal is the presentation, not of your product or service, but you. You must become proficient in projecting honesty, dependable as well ability. People don't care who is doing their carpet cleaning, plumbing or painting, they want peace of mind in the trust you provide. That's why people get certified for certain positions, to establish creditability. If you sell a product it probably is no different than a dozen or more products of the same class, the only difference between you and them is, you.
Don't settle for a job when you can have an opportunity.
Don't make the mistake of believing you are looking for a. Job, you are not. You are a need or desire filler. Many people have the misconception that they must pay someone for a pie-in-the-sky, get-rich-quick, six-figure income, home employment and end up being scammed. The only one making money is the person selling the job.
Happy Trails
Donald Yates, Former Director of Business and Leadership Development for Imperial Research, is now retired but continues to assist young people in engaging life through self discovery, Life course planning, intuitiveness and fulfillment. Learn how you can build a powerful organization of your own. To learn more, visit [clean4profit.com] and rockeriders.com rockeriders.com
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