Some families make the decision to take care of their loved ones in their homes. Some people cannot bear the thought of placing them in a nursing home. If you take in someone in your family, follow these tips for elderly care that will make it easier on you and the person you are caring for.
Think about how safe your home is for someone older. You may need to put locks on the door for the person that has severe dementia or Alzheimers. You might consider the types of hospital equipment you may need as well. If your loved is in a wheelchair, consider the ways to make your home more accessible for one.
Caring for someone that has an illness may require you to have nursing help. You can hire an in home nurse by contacting a home health agency. Check to see if your loved ones insurance policy can help you in covering the costs of this type of care. By securing help with things like bathing and some medical procedures like tube cleanings, your time with an elderly person can be less stressful.
Provide activities for the older loved one you are caring for. Keeping that person from just sitting and staring at the television all day or staring off into space is the best way to keep them alert and to experience less dementia. Boredom also leads to depression and anxiety in older people. These conditions can cause medical problems to become worse as well.
Think about the things that person loved when he or she was still in their own home. You may have troubling thoughts about how to provide these things out of that persons home. If they had a pet, think about getting one. Consider the foods they loved the most. Try to include these dishes in meals you prepare for that person.
There are many little things you can do to make life easier on for someone up in years. Buy large print books if they enjoy reading. Purchase television remotes with large and easy to see buttons. Replace clocks with hands with digital clocks that are easy to see as well. Install handrails and other safety equipment in the bathroom used by that person.
Families that care for someone can be under a lot of stress while doing so. If you are the primary caregiver, keep in mind that you are not alone. Many people like yourself are caring for their parents or grandparents as well. Check online for support groups located near you and visit with some of them. Being able to talk about the issues you have with caring for someone elderly is the best way to handle them better.
The feeling you have when you taking time out for elderly care can be great. At the same time, it can be frustrating and heartbreaking. However, you will never regret the care you have given someone you love. While the times can get hard on you, always remember that person cannot help the situation they are in and you are helping to keep them out of a nursing home.
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