Child care is something many families need. It can be a huge expense on your finances. Due to the economy, most parents both must hold jobs. There are ways you can find affordable child care or tips you can use to make it more affordable.
First thing you may want to do, is see if you have a family member who can care for them. You may not want them to have your child everyday, but they do work well if you want to spend some time alone with your husband. If you don't mind having them care for them daily, it may be extra income for the family member, and they will usually provide child care at a more affordable price.
Perhaps you have a more flexible job and you work out of your home. You can always do your work while your child is napping. Or you can even hire someone once a week to come in and take care of your kids and then you can get a lot of necessary work done and meet all of your deadlines.
Another good idea is trading child care with a friend. If you have a friend that has children around your child's age, then this can be an excellent idea. It won't cost you anything and the children have playtime together enjoying their day and even providing you entertainment.
You also have the option of working different shifts with your partner. This way one of you will always be home to be with the kids. This is an ideal way to save money and each of you have quality time with the kids. Be sure you set aside time to spend with your partner alone, if you are working different shifts you may not see each other often.
Do not feel awkward if you need to seek child care assistance. There are many programs available for wrap-around care and assistance to help pay for your child care, if you are eligible. Check your local agencies and see what type of programs they have to offer.
Remember, if you paid for child care, you may be able to claim a tax credit when you file your income tax return. There are certain guidelines you must meet to qualify, so investigate your options and see what type of tax credit you qualify for.
If you have a child care provider come to your home and care for your children, remember you may be considered a household employer. If that is the case you may have to withhold taxes. Investigate with the IRS to check to see what if any taxes you must withhold to avoid any legal issues.
There are always ways to cut back on child care costs, do some research on the internet to find what types of savings you are eligible for and you can always contact your local agencies who will provide you with other resources that may be available to you.
My passion is to help others through their journey in life. To help those who find it difficult to follow the right path, and to teach my children to offer their hands in life. I have a great passion in giving and finding peace and hope in all types of relationships.
Kathleen G. Huertas
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