Have you inform in all offices about your new address if no, start it now. Before starting, bring together contact information of the companies, envelope, postage stamp, Electoral roll change of address form, Postage stamps and printer.
Create a table and write the names, phone numbers, addresses, websites/email addresses, etc of the company and person you want to inform about your new home. Now make a list and Mail/ call them one by one. After informing tick on the name in list so you don't waste your time to inform them again. When complete follow the given instructions:
Now make list of the following
Electoral roll
Health care professionals
Insurance companies
Gas agency
Electricity office
Water supplier
Home phone provider
Mobile phone provider
Internet provider
Call to the peoples on your list
Change your address online if possible using net
Write, print and send letters to the people/companies that require changes of address/important details in writing.
Each time you change address, add another column to the table. This column can be used to tick off each person/company when you have informed them of the change.
Before you start contact, make a quick list of the information you need to give them, for example: you may need to give them a new residential address as well as a new home phone number.
At last check your list to see if you need to add/remove any person or company from the list. Make similar list to informing all your neighbors, friends, colleague, relatives about the location and address of new place. Don't forget to tell them the name of nearer landmark.
There are many items that you'll need immediately when reach at your new home or in transit way. So keep an extra box with you for the following:
Soap and shampoo Pouches
Specs and regular medicines
First Aid box
Scissors and knife
Power cords and batteries
Tissues and Towels
Tea and coffee maker
Material for making tea or coffee
Disposable glasses, plastic bags and plate
Torch and cell
Light bulbs
Blanket and linens
Alarm clock
Local phone book
Screwdriver and hammer
Map of the new area
Also clear your bills and cancel delivery of milk, magazine and newspaper before leaving your home.
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