Good credit score is an asset to have and the way you can get it is to regularly check your credit reports. One must get a copy of credit report from all credit bureaus at least twice in a year. One must also have complete knowledge of how to check the credit report. Quite a number of people still have no idea how to notice the errors in the report. Some people neglect the disputes even after noticing them which causes great trouble afterwards. Disputes must be reported at least twice in a year so as to maintain your credit score as it does reflect how you have been in handling credits.
What is your credit report?
Your credit report is pretty much a summary of your bill and credit payment. It shows credit applications, granted loans, denied credit applications and how much credit (dollar amount) you have available (available credit limits). It also shows your monthly debt payments like mortgage or car loan payments that you make (or fail to make). The credit report also contains your personal information such as your home address and previous address, eventually the employment history, and your Social Security number. Credit accounts such as store credit cards, mortgages, car loans, regular credit cards and bank line of credits are listed. And of course any failure to meet payments or information on defaulted loans will be listed on your credit report (including tax liens and bankruptcy). In most cases, negative credit information will be listed in your credit report for seven years. A bankruptcy situation will be listed on your credit report for ten years that will affect you in case you need a loan. The company can easily reject you as you were unable to pay back the previous bills.
Description Of statement:
In case your credit report [] is not received directly by you but a third party, then you may not receive any intimations from the company either in written nor by phone. You may also be penalized a bit for this. The two most important and high lighted terms used in a credit report are Prepared For and Attention. One must clearly understand what these terms specify. Prepared for tells for whom the report is made for and Attention column indicates the actual name of the person. Whether the credit report is for an individual or a joint partnership is also clearly mentioned. The credit score is calculated not only keeping in view the current unpaid bills but the complete account history and accordingly they analyze whether their money with you is safe or not and what more can be offered to you.
It is necessary to make a fair amount of ground research before you decide where to get your credit report from. If the report they are providing is free, then it will be subject to some conditions, like you might have to buy some service from the site. Also, there is a chance of some illegal dealing going on. Be very careful when giving out identifiable information, which can cause severe damage. When acquiring your credit report, be sure that you are dealing with a legitimate company, or you will have to face great problems at the end.
You can also find more info on credit reporting agencies [] and experian credit []. is a comprehensive resource to find guidness about credit score.
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