There are many emotions to sort through when you are deciding to bring a new pet into your family. It is a big commitment that has large responsibilities as well as joy and happiness. A dog or cat will be a part of your family for many years and it is a big decision to make.
One reason to always chose adoption, rather than purchasing an animal elsewhere, is to help decrease the reliance on puppy mills. These factories breed dogs in the cruelest manner and will only be profitable if there is a demand for them. A local shelter is always the best place to find a pet. These animals are socialized, taken care of medically and need a home! The dogs that come from puppy mills are heavily inbred and often have extremely costly medical problems that arise. Animal shelters are improving their services constantly to match you with the perfect companion to fit your life and work schedule.
Choose adoption to bring home a healthy, properly cared for animal. Most local shelters examine, vaccinate, and spay and neuter the animals before they are put up for adoption. Also, the animal's specific personality and certain behaviors are usually observed to help fit your wants and needs in a pet. A common misunderstanding about the animals at a shelter are that there was a problem with them. On the contrary, it is usually a problem with the original owner. Things like financial problems, time constraints or relocation can cause an animal to end up in a shelter.
You will save money by adopting your pet instead of purchasing from a pet store, online or other retail location. You will not have to pay to spay/neuter, vaccinations or the high cost of the animal. There will be a fee, but it is significantly smaller than purchasing an animal from a store.
You will save a life when you chose to adopt an animal from a shelter. No-kill animal shelters are always full because there are always more animals to take in then animals being adopted. Animal shelters have to make the heart-breaking decision to euthanize animals when they aren't adopted after a certain amount of time. Between three and four million dogs and cats are euthanized each year in America.
Please do your part to reduce the number of animals in shelters and in the puppy mill industry by going to the humane society, a breed rescue group or local animal control agency for your next pet. Spread the word and know that after all you do for your pet, they will pay you back ten-fold with their unconditional love and affection!
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