Craig Newman created Craigslist in 1995 in the San Francisco Bay area for listing local jobs. This is useful tool for moneymaking businesses. The charge rates of Craigslist advertisements are low. This reduces the capital-investment in business ventures. In 2007, the rates for Craig Newman's classified listings were $75 per advertisement in the San Francisco Bay area, and $25 in places like New York, San Diego, Chicago and Boston.
The rates vary in different areas because the focus of the advertisements is primarily local. It depends on the socio-economics of a particular locality. In Calcutta's southern fringes, the Craigslist-publications charge Rs.100-200 per advertisement. Some online Craigslist agencies, even allow free ad-entries in the portals online. A single Craigslist entry may get a grocery store hundreds of clients from the locality, and the cyber-platform gives local business a global exposure. But if one has a new shop in the area, someone may walk into it any day without even seeing its online advertisement. But traders exist in the invisible, virtual realm. So, Craigslists become essential for their publicity, given the economic viability of these classifieds as well as their worldwide reach.
These days many people are running online tutorial, e-greetings and courier services. Since these enterprises are run online, all that a trader needs to do is post a hyperlink in the Craigslist, and the customer can just click on the link to contact him. The online trade and the Craigslist function in the same virtual domain. So it gets easy for both the consumer and the seller to communicate. In other words, Craigslists not only advertise particular services or products, but also give customers direct access to the same through the hyperlinks in advertisements. But one should be careful while selecting the keywords in Craigslists, because the advertisement has to be unique among a crowd of similar entries. The keywords should be straightforward enough to lead users searching for particular services in a particular area in the right direction. So, the locality and the name of the product should be clearly mentioned. Concise price-catalogues in the advertisements can also help customers compare and choose items, without moving an inch.
Also, the cyberspace may contain multiple entries of the same kind of product. So, one should be as specific and accurate as possible about his location so that customers can easily locate the trader. It is best to provide one's email-id, which is unique and more reliable than telephone connections. Craigslists are helpful because they could contain advertisements of many small business ventures, even though it is not conventional and hence does not find a place in regular classifieds of dailies. It can even be advertisements for blind dates or social-skill tutorials.
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Eric Cole is well known as one of the top offline and online 'six figure income' earners in the United States and United Kindgom. Eric also works closely with entrepreneurs from around the world and is also an 'in demand' consultant to new and established mlm and direct marketing companies. Eric devotes most of his time and effort into helping average people to have wealth, success and time freedom in their lives.
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