First congress votes to cut off funding for ACORN... but not really. It was just a temporary freeze on funding the controversial group. Now a US District Judge has ruled that cutting of funds in any way is not in the publics interest. If it has not occurred to you by now, we are not working in an environment where concepts of right and wrong, as well as honesty are of little or no importance. To the elites running the country, the end justifies the means... and often the ends they seek are not even worthy of virtuous means.
The constitution says congress makes the laws people have to live by. But now, Barack Hussein Obama's Environmental Protective Agency head Lisa Jackson has proclaimed that if congress does not pass the desired cap and trade legislation her agency would begin their own version of the plan destined to destroy jobs and squeeze more money out of beleaguered taxpayers. Once again, the end justifies the means.
Combine this with the unwillingness of our employees... our elected representatives... to hear us when overwhelming majorities of our citizens tell them we want our borders sealed, we don't want government tinkering with our health care, we don't like them looking for ways to take our guns and we don't want what is euphemistically called cap and trade.
Our country is being degraded into third world status by people who don't play by the rules our government has recognized from the beginning. Power is what they understand, not constitutional limitations. The toxic actors from the 60's are friends and confidants of the President. Most everyone knows Pentagon bomber Bill Ayers and his wife Barnardine Dohrn helped get him started in his political career... The work of their inspiration, Saul Alinsky, drives the strategies of the administration.
As they intrude further and further into the lives of average Americans, it is apparent that they are following the logic of Ayers contemporary, Abbie Hoffman, when he said, "Respect for authority will be the downfall of democracy." We are in a situation where we are doing what we are expected to do... playing by the rules the other side disregards with great regularity, glee and apparent impunity.
It is time we consider how concerned with the political and social niceties we would be if someone were to break into our homes and threaten our children. Conservatives and libertarians tend to just want to be left alone. We have our own agendas and goals. We have no grand ambitions of controlling those around us. We just want the government to leave us alone. It's not in our nature to raise a ruckus or refuse to comply. We have been conditioned to quietly go along with even unjust laws, in spite of the fact that we may complain from time to time. This must change!
Getting back to the question about someone intruding into your home and threatening to harm your family... this is exactly what is happening. Through their "spend our way out of debt" philosophy, they are destroying the value of your dollars... they are squeezing from your children the inheritance you are working to be leaving them. By working to insert federal bureaucrats into the medical process, they are presenting a very real danger to the health care your family may receive. With their hairbrained cap and trade scheme they are endangering your ability to retain employment and support your family... and along with it, possibly the education you have planned for your children and grandchildren.
This is not a meaningless academic debating exercise. It is about the welfare of your family and country. This is a deadly serious attack on the America we love. The transgressions of this administration and its unelected czars far exceeds those that King George visited upon the colonists in Patrick Henry's day.
It is our choice to roll over and and play dead or to stop them. Stopping them is the choice... not trying to stop them.
On April 19, 1775 the colonists fired the "shot heard round the world" on the village green at Lexington... that was a real musket shot. Let us hope and pray that this time around we do not have a shooting conflict... but the longer we wait to step forward, the more likely this may be. We just need to remember the words of Winston Churchill when he said, "If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."
Editors Note: For a short video describing the events at Lexington and Concord, check out
Larry D Miller is a web developer who has been involved in the political world for the past twenty some years. His company, Simple Webs, works with organizatins and candidates and can be seen at and his current project, examines the relationship between Christians and the political sphere.
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