The developed world is experiencing population aging. In the next twenty years we will see the percentage of the population over 65 years old increase significantly. This will likely create an increased demand for services that support older people. In particular, Community Workers will be highly sought after. If you are considering a career in this growing field - please read on.
What does a Community Worker do?
A career as a Community Worker, or paid carer involves helping a person to go about their daily life in their own homes and communities. If you think about all the things you need to do during an average week, (have a shower, eat a meal, clean the house, go shopping, and drive to appointment) you have an idea of the sorts of tasks a carer does. Many people as they age find it difficult to do all the things they used to do when they were younger- this is often impacted most by illness or injury - such as suffering emphysema, having a stroke or breaking a hip for example. Those elderly people who find themselves in need of support will do most things for themselves and arrange a carer to help with the rest. During an average day as a paid carer you will likely assist a person to have a shower, help tidy a house and drive your client to do their shopping and errands.
What does it take to do this job?
A career working with the elderly and/or disabled requires one to have excellent people skills. You also must have empathy and understanding. Good common sense is also vital. If you are not a patient person or have a bad temper- then this is not a good job for you.
On the practical side it is vital to have a car and a driving license as you must be able to get from house to house during the day and also drive clients to do their shopping or go to appointments. You must also be in good shape as this sort of work can be physically demanding at times.
Most reputable agencies will also provide training when you commence employment. However- there are also many courses that you can do to place yourself well in the sector. In Australia - you can do the certificate in Aged Care, Disability Services or in Home and Community Care.
What are the benefits of a career in community work?
There are some great benefits to a career in community care. For starters it's great to be able to help others and meet interesting people. The hours are often very flexible and can be great for parents wanting only to work during school hours or students needing to fit into their schooling schedules.
Sadly the pay for these roles is not equivalent to the good work that people do - in Australia it averages $15 to $22 per hour. However often there are penalty rates and re-imbursement for travel expenses that help to rectify this. It's best to check with many different employers to get an idea of the going rate for care work in your community. Remember though - if money is your only motivation you may need to reconsider this career path.
In short, care work is an important job in every community though is not always paid as such. It is a fun and flexible job and can be a great starting point for a career in the community sector.
If you live in Sydney and are interested in a career as a Community Worker - Catholic Community Services has many roles available and is considered an employer of choice in the sector.
Visit us online for more information.
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