Now is the time to Take CHARGE of your own time and money and escape the CHARGE Cards and expensive, old business building methods that you have been working so hard at duplicating? Does your upline REALLY care what METHODS that YOU use to help build their Passive residual 6 figure annual income? Well, believe it or not THEY Do Care!!
Even though they really do Care a great deal for YOU and your success being coupled into their success, They have been duplicating exactly what their mentors have taught since way back in the 80s?
They also Care very much that they may lose track of your activity and be unable to LEAD you the only they have ever known how! That is very understandable, because they can only guide you and PLUG you in to THEIR business model, systems, and marketing/compensation plan.
Well of course that COULD be a concern if. Let's say you are involved with them in ABC Company and you used any kind of tactics at all to bring new prospects in to the XYZ Company. That is downright unethical and just plain wrong. Your upline did not invest their money and time into you to use those talents to build a different organization in another company.
BUT THAT is not my point here.
WE definitely want to reward your upline for all their time, invested as well as faith and respect for us to allow us on their team anyway. And if we are using 21st Century technology and WEB 2.0 to build our business as well as theirs in the same ABC Company,
it is just ridiculous that some uplines will even stop working with the creative people because they are "not a fit" They will be an outcast. They will be banished from the village. How dare them for even 'Suggesting Doing Something Other' than exactly what has been weighing down the entire team for months and years up till now?
They were never taught anything about MARKETING or even SALES. They avoid the word Sales so much, that some Super Sales People don't join a team because they were told FLATLY up front that "NO, there is NO Sales required in this company"!
I guess the services and products all grow legs and feet and walk into people's homes and help them make the credit card transaction on the Internet out of total blind faith.
WOW where do I sign up?? It would be worth the application fee just to witness that miracle! God love your upline! However, they have really only been trained and told that to START and BUILD a Multi-Million Dollar Home Based Biz, they just simply need to approach family, friends, co-workers, in-laws, outlaws, and even in some cases, your worst enemies, (if they are within 3 feet of you.)
Oh yes, the good old 3-foot rule! What an amazing concept. Is that just out of striking distance?
I guess the 2 foot rule got confusing and not a p[art of the game plan.
Did that mean everyone with 2 feet is a Target?... I mean Valuable Prospect? Or, was it getting too close and getting in the space of the Victim? ... I mean Valuable Superstar Team Member and a possible punch in the nose? Oh well, I am not going to spend any time researching that issue.
When you try to either INVITE or CONVINCE people why they should suddenly change their whole lifestyle and sign up into your ...
"Newfangled - Home - Based - Internet - Network - Marketing, Multi- Level, Part-Time -- Direct - Marketing, (NOT a Pyramid- Scheme- By Any MEANS), That - Has - A PRODUCT or SERVICE - That - Actually - Sells - ITSELF, And - it - Only - Requires - That - YOU - Know - JUST "3 People" in the Entire World - to - Become - a - MILLIONAIRE - in- Only - 3 to 5 - Years - Business"
What a mouthful.
That is about how it sounded to the listener. It can be a little overwhelming to any normal person. You always seem shocked that they don't see just how fantabulous it really will be for everyone everywhere if they just agree to follow you even though you just got started yourself less than a month ago.
Wow, you did what your mentor told you exactly to do, and you did it exactly how they told you! You even memorized a script or had a set of index cards, just in case that next millionaire in the rough should bump into on the street.
Gee, can you be that TERRIBLE at doing such a simple task? You were told that absolutely ANY 'BODY' can succeed in this business opportunity! How can you be the ONLY person in the whole word that doesn't have the right stuff? What a poor example of a confidence builder that turned out to be.
Your upline spends their time recruiting more ANY 'BODY's' and has more focus on that than showing you exactly what weaknesses need to be strengthened to guide you to that 6-figure income (that they have not earned yet).
Why does this not work?
Is it any wonder that stats still show that 95% of all Network Marketers quit in the first 6-12 months?
Actually that is truly a no-brainer.
The question that needs to be addressed is:
WHY does the upline continue training and drilling and practicing that business model method over and over and over again and then wonder why there are not very may people around requesting their great guidance and leadership? It is said that if you do not help people share yours faith and vision and work with you on a common goal, because they had no reason to follow you,. You are on just a big long walk all alone.
NOW ***
Would you like to know how to throw all that out of the window today? Would it be worth your time to look at FREE information on how to spend the rest of today, learning the skills and methods to actually get on your internet in the comfort of your own home and begin learning how to attract prospects into your Network Marketing business and have them paying you to be prospected?
That information is available in a couple series of e-books, online Webinars and recorded trainings.
Now if your upline stumbled upon this and saw the power and the simplicity, I am sure they would be thinking of how to sell this to their downline. They could seriously justify selling this new business model method for $1,000 and when their team implemented it, there would be no problem justifying that cost.
Well here is something that would really frost that upline of yours. I am probably not even in your upline or your downline, however it is important to me that you get to learn these proven highly successful steps for FREE.
The economy is at the point now, where the jobless and homeless statistics are getting way out of proportion. We need to help one another. No Government agency, official or employee will be giving us any relief from the upcoming nightmares.
Let's work together and get everyone on the right track and let everyone truly control their very own destinies regardless of al the gloom and doom being perceived out there efve4ry day.
Contact me if you are interested in looking at any of the information that I have available online for FREE
See you at the top!
Keith Davey is an Internet network marketing coach offering education and tips to build business and utilize the best 21st century technology to attract prospects to your business model. More information at
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