In cases where a hopeful mother is infertile or physically incapable of carrying a developing fetus, there is the option of surrogacy. A surrogate mother is a woman who agrees, by contract and for a fee, to bear a child for a couple who is childless. In gestational surrogacy, the wife is fertile but incapable of carrying a fetus. The child is conceived by In Vitro Fertilization using the wife's eggs and her husband's sperm. The resulting embryo is implanted in the surrogate mother's uterus and carried to full term by her. The surrogate mother can also be the biological mother of the child, conceiving by means of artificial insemination with sperm from the husband.
Medical tourism companies such as Denver based MedVacation can assist you in your efforts of expanding the family through surrogacy or through embryo adoption abroad. Depending on the chosen location and whether the client needs an egg donor, the international surrogacy program cost may range between $42K and $60K.
Medical tourism facilitators together with their partners have located and carefully pre-screened potential surrogate mothers. Surrogate mothers are examined by clinical geneticist and fully screened for sexually transmitted diseases and common genetic disorders. Furthermore, each candidate is assessed by a professional psychiatrist and a psychologist. There is currently no wait for surrogate mothers, if you use overseas IVF clinics. The clinic you choose to work with should assist you through the entire process starting from surrogate mother selection to help with legal paperwork.
If you work with a reputable medical tourism agency, their partner clinics also have egg donation programs that meet the highest standards and criteria recommended by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Oocyte donation enables women who cannot conceive naturally to experience the joy of pregnancy and childbirth. Egg donors undergo rigorous testing for chromosomal abnormalities, STD testing and are assessed for fit by a professional psychiatrist and a psychologist. Donors are meticulously cataloged and their information will be available to you during the selection process.
You may be wondering where to find a great international surrogacy program. Historically, some couples traveled to India. Our company does not work with IVF clinics in India. Neither do we work with surrogacy agencies in India. We are sure there are some good clinics and great fertility doctors in India. However, MedVacation does not send its clients to India, because there are great fertility clinics closer to the U.S. Why send US clients to India, when you can get the same treatments or better closer to home? A trip to India typically requires over 20 hour flight and of course a visa. We work with countries which are closer and often don't require visas for U.S. citizens.
Taras Kuzin
MedVacation LLC
Excellence in Medical Tourism in Exotic Locations
(720) 837-2378
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