For the first class of Driving With Care Level I or Level II, it is important to cover a number of topics prior to individuals starting the remaining sessions. Here is a guide to assist you in covering these topics. Page numbers listed are from the Driving With Care Level II manual.
1). Welcome to DWC. Let's introduce ourselves (ice breaker)
An easy way to get the group involved is to ask a question like: If you were to make a dinner for any famous person in the world, what would you make?
2). Defining the Goals of the Program
a). Reduce Recidivism~ It is important that participants know that recidivism starts well before they enter a vehicle impaired. Recidivism can occur as soon as you decide to go somewhere to drink without thinking about a plan. (define pp. 4-5)
b). Reduce Relapse~ It is important to educate the participants on a relapse because Driving With Care take a unique approach when defining this term. Relapse can mean going back to alcohol or drug use when one has committed to abstaining. However, for this population relapse may mean going back to "using" and that use begins cause you problems. (define pp. 6-7)
3). Partnership explanation. This class is not to punish or shame the client, but to educate them on a number of issues. One being, they are part of a team that is putting effort towards reducing impaired driving conduct. The community, probation and service agencies, and the client are all part of the team to reduce impaired driving. (p. 9)
4). Client signs a contract of Rules. It is an important that the clients know the expectations of this program before they get to Chapter 2. An area that they may become resistant is when you explain that they cannot drink while they are enrolled in the Level I or Level II program. Participants will challenge you that their probation conditions do not state "abstain". Here is where you can let them know it is part of their probation to complete their probation and this is one of the programs rules they must follow to complete the program successfully.
5). Process of Learning. Explain to the group that we learn by the model found on page 13 in the Driving With Care Level II manual found on page 13. When an event occurs, we have thoughts about that event based on our attitudes and beliefs, these thoughts lead to feelings and then a behavioral choice. The behavioral choice will either turn on positive or turn off negative events, resulting in a positive outcome. Or, if choose to behave where there are negative events or experiences, it will result in negative consequences. In either case, our thoughts that led to a certain behavior is reinforced.
6). Clients complete DWI Event. This is a good method to bring the client back to their offense and get them thinking about their DWI again. Encourage the class to ask follow up questions and this is the beginning of the class investing in one another.(p.17)
7). Inventory Quiz Part I and Part II. Have the class fill out the quiz and invite them to be honest regarding the attitudes and beliefs section. Most clients want to give you the answers they think the instructor would like, let them know that honesty is appreciated. Correct Part I in group and correct part 2 outside of group. Now is not the time to have a group discussion on how someone's attitudes and beliefs may be different from others. If an instructor has this conversation on the first day of class, it may be problematic for that session and others sessions that follow.
8). Explain the TAP worksheet. The "Thinking Action Pattern" (TAP) worksheet charts a clients alcohol or other drug pattern throughout the DWC class. It is important to read through the columns and explain to the clients what each mean. Many clients will challenge telling the truth because they fear they will get discharged from the class or their probation may be violated. The instructor can only encourage the participant to be honest and if they are honest in group, then the instructor can tell the Probation Officer that when they are contacted. Be clear about the expectations, this worksheet should be done daily and be completed every week prior to class beginning. p.18
9). If time permits, talk about a couple client's DWI event; continue to do the rest of DWI events in the following weeks. Generally two DWI events in a class is about all the time you will have.
10). Instruct the group to read Lesson 2 for next week and they should read every chapter prior to that class session. Encourage them to read the chapter, but don't do the worksheets. If they do the worksheets at home, they may be confused on how to complete them and then they will just sit in class while their classmates are working on their assignments.
We hope that you enjoyed the article. If you would like to find more resources visit Minnesota DUI or our company website if you have received a Minnesota DWI.
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