Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A J-O-B Means "Just Over Broke"

Do YOU agree? "Broke" is the KEY word. By the time you pay for a good car, gas, upkeep, parking, lunch, nice clothes and all the rest.... what does your "job" provide for you and your family?

Sorry, I left out FICA and income tax charges by Government Agencies, but what's your net? If you can't take it home, who cares? Somebody in the family has to bring CASH home to pay your bills.

Usually, we're looking at a net paycheck about 40% less than gross, right? Another thing we left out of the equation was the 30, 60, or 90 minutes FREE time gift you make to your employer just getting to work. Almost forgot, getting back home is another 30, 60, or 90 minutes "lost" time.

Sure, the owner of a brick and mortar store has to get there too. Somebody has to open the doors so customers can come inside. However, the owner is also responsible for the rent, fire and property insurance, employee payroll, employer taxes, benefits, etc. A bottomless pit of expenses the owner faces hoping to make a profit to survive.

[sidebar: 9 out of 10 businesses FAIL within 5-10 years, many within the first 6 months or less. Why? Lack of capital, know-how, commitment, etc]

Did you notice? Nothing has been said about the tens of thousands of dollars most business owners pay for a franchise, the building, recruiting employees, legal and accounting professionals, etc. Truth is.... it's really overwhelming, especially in today's economy.

Owning your own home based business makes sense today. Yes, it too has a few challenges but nothing compared to the "other" guys. A major plus in the home business or network marketing arena is TIME. While most of the "employees"" are going downtown or 30 minutes plus from home you're already doing business. Most of us are less than 60 seconds from the bed to the office located in our home.

Ask a few "what ifs" for comparison. Look at available franchises in your territory. Consider buying a "going" business from a "willing" seller? How much is it worth? Hidden problems? Security? Payroll?

Decisions, decisions, decisions. Something to think about.

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